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Divine Guidance

Book a Free Clarity Call with Kirstie Today

​Work with Me

All my one to one work can be done in person or online depending on your location.

I am located in Nottinghamshire, UK but these days location is not an issue!

So please feel free to get in touch or book a session directly below. 

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Divine Guidance Intro

Divine guidance often seems shrouded in mystery, a concept vast and intangible, yet deeply personal and comforting. It's the unseen hand guiding us through the twists and turns of life, offering solace and direction when the path ahead is unclear.


My journey to understanding this phenomenon has been both profound and enlightening, leading me to explore its essence, historical perspectives, and practical applications in our daily lives.

Divine Guidance

A 75 minute session in which you will have all the support and guidance that you need to gain clarity in your life. My goal is to help you become clear and empowered so that you can move through these current energies with greater ease. You will leave the session with a greater sense of purpose and calmness, knowing how to move forward and the next steps to take.  You will be surprised by how much can be accomplished in this time!


Also in these current energies, many past lives and ancestral lines are coming forward to be witnessed and released. I am able to facilitate this energy clearing and can share key information regarding past lives that you have lived. These clearings are so beneficial in allowing ourselves to finally be free of these past life energies which are impacting our current life.

I channel the Ascended Masters and Goddesses and bring forward their wisdom to assist you on your own divine path and purpose. Allow them to guide you in these transformational times. I have been guided by them to offer light language activations and healings as part of these sessions. These powerful vibrational transmissions activate your DNA at a cellular level and create profound shifts.


The session will enable you to connect to and meet your own team of sacred guides. Sometimes just knowing who your key guides are and how to connect to them can have a big impact on your life as well as gaining an understanding of your spiritual purpose. 

The session can focus on any area of your life you wish - life purpose, family, love - it is wherever you are feeling stuck or lost. We can then look at that and work through the 'obstacles' until you're feeling much clearer and know which direction to go in next. We are all at different places on our journey and our needs change as we grow. Some need an energetic healing, others guidance from the divine and for most it is a mixture of both.

My sessions are individually tailored to your needs. I am an intuitive channel so I can interpret divine energies and allow them to determine what transpires. Some of the things that you could expect are:

Clear guidance from your team of sacred guides
Removal of energies that do not belong to you
Past life clearings
Clearing of ancestral timelines

Light language activations & healings
Chakra balancing and clearing
Clearing of energetic blocks
Starseed origins


My aim is to support and help you in times of uncertainty and change to enable you to feel calmer and more at peace. The session will enable you to focus on what is needed to allow yourself to continue your journey of self discovery. 

I believe in empowering people and giving them the confidence to move forward with courage along their path of unfolding the very best version of themselves.

Terms and conditions:  Whilst every opportunity is made to address your needs it must be stated that spiritual therapy is not meant to replace a doctors or veterinary care.  No outcomes are guaranteed and we do not provide medical or legal advice. All readings are non-predictive and experiential. Please note that all appointments are given in the UK time zone. It is your responsibility to correlate this appointment time to your own time zone. Refunds are not available once a booking has been made. If in the unlikely event there is a misunderstanding over appointment times or a technical issue at my end, your appointment will always be honoured at the soonest available opportunity. Rescheduling appointments due to unforeseen circumstances will be undertaken at my discretion.

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